Legal notice
Details pursuant to §5 TMG (German Telemedia Act)
Agromatic Regelungstechnik GmbH
Stukenbrocker Weg 38
33813 Oerlinghausen
Represented by
Reinhard Wollschlaeger (Geschäftsführer)
Tel. +49 5202 9739 0
Fax +49 5202 9739 25
Company registration
Entry in commercial register
Court of registration: Lemgo district court
Registration number: HRB 3786
VAT identification number
pursuant to §27a of the German VAT law:
DE 1245 95988
Supervisory authority
Lemgo district administration
TYPO3 Agency / Realisation
Editing, conception, web design and programming
of the websites was done by the advertising agency:
Kirchner Kommunikation und Marketing GmbH
32257 Bünde, Germany
Phone +49 (0) 52 23 / 49 81-0
Your full-service advertising agency in OWL.